Russian farmers harvested more than 30 million tons of grain by July 21, according to the Ministry of Agriculture.
The yield is significantly higher than last year – 41.7 centners per hectare against 33.3 centners per hectare a year earlier.
Cereals and leguminous crops were harvested from 7.4 million hectares.
Including 25.3 million tons of wheat and 3.9 million tons of barley were harvested.
As reported, the Ministry of Agriculture this year predicts grain harvest at the level of 130 million tons, including 87 million tons of wheat.
A year ago, on the same date, 34.9 million tons of grain were harvested. By July 23, the harvest increased to 40.1 million tons. Including wheat, 32 million tons were harvested, barley – 5.5 million tons. Cereals and leguminous crops were threshed from 11.8 million hectares, the yield was 34 q/ha.